Consulting and Analytical Services (CAS) Laboratory
The East London IDZ CAS Laboratory, a SANAS No T626 accredited laboratory, has highly skilled and trained staff with sophisticated state of the art instrumentation. The laboratory’s capabilities of analysing water samples range from potable quality to industry effluents and waste sample leachates. As such, the laboratory is fully equipped to carry out wastewater characterisation as per the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism regulations.
The ELIDZ CAS Lab’s Services are but not limited to the following:
- Surface water analysis (Rivers, lakes, dams, pools)
- Groundwater analysis (Boreholes, wells, spring water)
- Drinking water analysis (Tap water, Bottled water, treated surface or ground water)
- Waste water analysis
- Inorganic analysis – major cations/anions
- Physico chemical analysis
- Organic analysis
- Microbiological analysis
- Borehole water quality testing and analysis
- Metal Scan
Chemical Analysis and Microbiology Analysis also offered.
Contact: Kaylene Bell on +27 43 702 8217